What’s your honest opinion about the Philippines and Filipinos in as people in general?

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We wholeheartedly LOVE the Philippines and the Filipino People!

Indeed the Philippines has its issues:

  • It is as yet poor, yet less so than in the ongoing past.
  • There is still debasement, yet again less so.
  • It is as yet hot and inclined to storms, quakes, and volcanoes.


Indeed, not much you can do about that one, but rather no place is great, right?

What is your honest opinion about the Philippines and Filipino people then?

(Please post your answer in the box below)

Anonymous Answered question June 14, 2019
Elmira (anonymous) 0 Comments

About my beloved country Philippines, I love my country . It is the land of my birth. As far of being a Filipino I proud of it. Filipino people are good people we love family, culture, and nature. Where ever we are we bring a good hospitality to share where ever we choose to live or to work. Filipino are very hard working people, respectful, even life  we can give who needs help. Very adoptable to all kinds of culture, honest, fast learner people, love people in all races treat them fair,  truthful, helpful those who need  help. Filipino is  very loyal person. Most of all God fearing people.
No perfect nation.  Philippines is a nation who always survive what ever disaster or circumtances it may come !

Staff Changed status to publish December 21, 2018
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